Jiangsu,China 0512-58555998 lj@lj-jx.com

TPU吹膜机 TPU film blowing machine

Characteristics and uses:

The TPU blown film machine is suitable for the dispersive property detection of Color Masterbatch, the optimization of production process parameters, the research of material blowing molding performance, and the use of laboratories in scientific research, teaching demonstration, and production enterprises.

©Copyright:Zhangjiagang City Lianjiang Machinery Co.,Ltd
Add:B09 Industrial Zone,Jinfeng Town,Zhangjiagang      Phone:0086-512-58555998
Fax:0086-512-58556998      Mobile:0086-13962465270      E-mail:lj@lj-jx.com      
Webdesign:Gangcheng Design
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